This micro blog is about the benefits of Jamun (black plum). It’s scientific name is: Syzygium cumins. It is also known as black plum, jambul, java plum, jamblang, these different names comes from different countries of the world.
The Jamun (black plum) contains good amount of vitamin C, iron, magnesium, many B family vitamins and dietary fiber as well as potassium, vitamin A and a little bit of protein as well. This fruit carries minimum level of fats and no cholesterol. Jamun has been used to treat diabetes and the kernel of fruit has the potential to help reduce blood glucose levels. Medicinally Jamun is used in number of ways in raw fruit form, juice extracts from fruit, bark, leaves and seeds.
This being season of Jamun fruit, come venders crying at high-pitched at buyers in streets, raising the benefits of this poor man’s fruit. The Jamun fruit has a sweet and sour taste and it varies from the quality and when you pick up the fruit. The Jamun (black plum) contains good amount of vitamin C, iron, magnesium, many B family vitamins and dietary fiber as well as potassium, vitamin A and a little bit of protein as well. This fruit carries minimum level of fats and no cholesterol. Jamun has been used to treat diabetes and the kernel of fruit has the potential to help reduce blood glucose levels. Medicinally Jamun is used in number of ways in raw fruit form, juice extracts from fruit, bark, leaves and seeds. The Jamun tree is native of the Indian Subcontinent, has spread to other Asian countries. Now, it is also available in USA and some parts of South America.
LOVE OF JAMUN: These days one listening to loud voices suddenly gazes at Jamun tree, street children, natural gift of God, hanging with trunks of Jamun for raining the fruits from to gentle Jumans tree. Let us welcome this activity of the street children, who instead of joining the lynching squad of religious-goons, are passing their best time, looking after their health by eating nutritious fruit-the Jamun ji tree-.
MEET JAMUNWALI: Hay friends go and grab this fruit possessing -multi-vitamins- at a price of ₹ 50 to 80 a kilogram. The Jamunwalli, a great lady (in the pic above with this post) and hundreds her likes, have come from Rajasthan to Chandigarh and other cities, to make a living ,by selling Jamun in cities, all over the country. I found this Jamunwalli in a varanda of the Sector 22 B, Mobile Market, Chandigarh, just opposite Sector 17, ISBT. In my interaction with her, Jammuwali told me about simplest ways of her life. Her daughter, just a baby may be of 4 to 5 years, was playing at a short distance from her. It was raining heavy outside. She said all her companions-Rajasthani women-sleep at the bus stops. They do all their ablutions along with that their children, using bath rooms facilities at the two bus stands in the Chandigarh. She says she earns ₹500/- daily. This micro blog, I wrote for my Instagram followers and posted here for my FB friends too.