
DSGMC seeks UN resolution to help Sikhs wear religious symbols

August 01, 2017 10:57 PM

New Delhi, August 1 : The Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Management Committee (DSGMC) General Secretary Mr. Manjinder Singh Sirsa today urged Secretary General of the United Nations (UN) to pass a resolution in  General Assembly of the body for giving exemption to Sikhs residing in different countries to  wear their religious symbols  as per the directive given by the Sikh Guru Sahiban.

  • A Delhi Gurudwara management committee has approached the United Nations (UN) Secretary General seeking his help in passing of a resolution by the world body to help Sikhs wear their religious symbols in different countries across the world

In a detailed letter written to the Secretary General UN, Mr. Sirsa briefed him about the importance of the five religious symbols or articles of faith as prescribed by the Sikh Guru Sahiban. He said that wearing these articles of faith was must for every sikh man and woman.

Mr. Sirsa said that he had observed that problems being faced by the Sikhs in different countries was due to laws implemented in the particular country and courts of these countries upheld the criminal cases against the Sikhs without any wrong doing committed by the sikh community members because courts are bound to follow the law of the land. He said that this problem was result of ignorance about the importance of these religious symbols on the part of the governments of these nations.

Noting that members of the community, though small in number, have contributed largely in process of development and economic growth, risen politically and served selflessly in the times of natural disasters in different nations, he said that on umpteen times it has been proved that they are gem for the society in which they live. He said that as per the teachings of the Guru Sahiban, they are bound to work for the betterment of the society as a whole.

Mr. Sirsa said that apart from wearing these symbols sikh men have to wear turbans on their heads whereas wearing caps or helmets have been banned in the faith by the Guru Sahiban.

Mr Sirsa reminded the Secretary General that as per the resolution for human rights passed at UN, everyone is born free and equal in dignity and rights. Whatever nationality, place of residence, gender, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language or any other status, the international community on December 10, 1948 made a commitment to uphold dignity and justice for all of us. He said that thus members of the community have a right to live according to their will and follow their religion.

Urging the UN body to pass a suitable resolution urging all the members nations to amend their laws or enact new one so that Sikhs should be given liberty to wear their five religious symbols as well as turban in different countries. He said that passing of such a resolution will pave way for permanent solution of the problem.

Mr. Sirsa also offered that if the appropriate authority at UN deems it fit to give a chance of hearing on the issue, DSGMC is ready to make detailed presentation before the members which can further help to understand the complex issue and undesired problems being faced by the members of the Sikh Community.

He also declared that he will make personal contacts with the various sikh bodies and sikh representatives in different nations to press the UN body to pass that resolution.

Launching this initiative he had discussion on the matter with the UK Member Parliament Mr. Tanmanjit Singh Dhesi in Delhi today who lauded the effort of Mr. Sirsa and also offered his full support for the initiative.

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